Teilāns, Artis
Research Output
A Metamodel Based Approach for UML Notated Domain Specific Modelling Language
2011, Arnis Kleins, Teilāns, Artis, Yuri Merkuryev, Ojars Krasts
This paper focuses on a metamodel based approach to Unified Modelling Language (UML systems modelling and simulation. The approach allows creating a system model by operating with artefacts from the problem domain. As a novelty for UML modelling, especially for simulation purposes, the presented meta-model is enriched by a set of stochastic attributes of modelled activities. Modelling process is ensured by developing UML based Domain Specific Language (DSL) that is suitable for the metamodel, where UML diagrams are complemented with attributes necessary for model simulation. A modelling tool prototype was developed with Microsoft Visual Studio using Microsoft Visualization and Modelling SDK. Elaborated models are stored in a modelbase which conforms to the described metamodel. Relevant DEVS simulation software will be developed for ability to run those models and analyse gathered results. The given approach facilitates increases of the productivity in development of domain specific modelling and simulation tools up to 10 times.
Mathematical Model of the Distribution of Laser Pulse Energy
2016, Pavels Narica, Teilāns, Artis, Lazov, Lyubomir, Pavels Cacivkins, Teirumnieks, Edmunds
Method allows for modelling of the complex process of laser pulse energy distribution over flat work surface. The process of calculating the correct result does not use common lasing formulas but instead employs the mathematical model of matrix multiplication of three input matrices representing a pulse model, a line model, and a plane model. The pulse model represents the distribution of planar energy densities within the laser pulse. The line model represents the distribution of pulses within the line. The plane model represents the distribution of lines within the plane. Because mathematical model is implemented within a spreadsheet processor, its size can be adjusted as needed and it can be instantiated multiple times for simultaneous modelling of different input parameters.
Mathematical Model of Forecasting Laser Marking Experiment Results
2016, Pavels Narica, Teilāns, Artis, Lazov, Lyubomir, Pavels Cacivkins, Teirumnieks, Edmunds
Method allows for modelling of the anticipatory results of colour laser marking experiments. The process of calculating expected results takes into consideration the construction specifics of laser system being used and displays the results in compact form of a set of parameter matrices that have their values conditionally formatted as colour maps for easy identification of complex patterns. The complete set of all the related parameter matrices, both technical and derived, as well as the specific relations between them form the mathematical model of forecasting laser marking experiment results. Because the mathematical model is implemented within spreadsheet processor, it can be instantiated multiple times for any number of experiments.