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2011, Teilāns, Artis, Andrejs Romanovs, Yuri Merkuryev, Arnis Kleins, Pjotrs Dorogovs, Ojars Krasts

Information technology systems represent the backbone of a company's operational infrastructure. A company's top management typically ensures that computer software and hardware mechanisms are adequate, functional and in adherence with regulatory guidelines and industry practices. Nowadays, due to depressed economic and increased intensity of performed operations, business highly recognizes the influence of effective Information Technology risk management on profitability. The purpose of this paper is to develop IT risks assessment systems support functional model, based on analysis of IT risks and assessment mechanisms, IT governance and risk management frameworks, functional analysis of IT risks assessment and management software, and, finally, to develop IT risk management domain specification language with a metamodel that defines an abstract UML based language for supporting model-based risk assessment. Usage of UML based domain specific language achieves synergy from in IT industry widely used UML modelling technique and the domain specific risk management extensions.

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A Multi-Model Approach for Simulation-Based Digital Twin in Resilient Services

2021, Arnis Lektauers, Jelena Pecerska, Vitalijs Bolsakovs, Andrejs Romanovs, Janis Grabis, Teilāns, Artis

Complex cyber-physical systems demand integrated solution approaches. The current work presents a multi-model approach for simulation-based digital twins as a formal and technological foundation for the analysis and improvement of resilient services. The given approach has several significant benefits including the possibility to conduct interactive simulations and experiments based on systems engineering principles, to share data across multiple data sources and storages, to manage operations in real-time, as well as to enable collaboration between the users in an integrated web platform. The proposal is illustrated on the use cases of secure telemedicine services and secure remote workplace.