Teirumnieka, Ērika
Research Output
Evaluation of laser cutting process with auxiliary gas pressure by soft computing approach
2018, Lazov, Lyubomir, Vlastimir Nikolić, Srdjan Jovic, Miloš Milovančević, Heristina Deneva, Teirumnieka, Ērika, Nebojsa Arsic
Evaluation of the optimal laser cutting parameters is very important for the high cut quality. This is highly nonlinear process with different parameters which is the main challenge in the optimization process. Data mining methodology is one of most versatile method which can be used laser cutting process optimization. Support vector regression (SVR) procedure is implemented since it is a versatile and robust technique for very nonlinear data regression. The goal in this study was to determine the optimal laser cutting parameters to ensure robust condition for minimization of average surface roughness. Three cutting parameters, the cutting speed, the laser power, and the assist gas pressure, were used in the investigation. As a laser type TruLaser 1030 technological system was used. Nitrogen as an assisted gas was used in the laser cutting process. As the data mining method, support vector regression procedure was used. Data mining prediction accuracy was very high according the coefficient (R2) of determination and root mean square error (RMSE): R2 = 0.9975 and RMSE = 0.0337. Therefore the data mining approach could be used effectively for determination of the optimal conditions of the laser cutting process.
Distribution of iron and iron compounds in the Kemeri - Jaunkemeri occurence of sulphide water
2015, Janis Prols, Teirumnieka, Ērika, Teirumnieks, Edmunds
Iron concentrations, distribution and migration forms, depending on pH and oxidation – reduction potential, were analyzed in case of the Kemeri-Jaunkemeri occurrence (area about 240 km2) of sulphide containing water (maximal sulphides concentration – 74 mg/l), located in Latvia. Iron content was investigated in 457 wells located within all area of occurrence. Those wells were installed to two aquifers: the Quarternary multi-aquifer and Salaspils aquifer, where occurrence of sulphide containing groundwater is distributed. All groundwater of occurrence is classified in four types depending on oxygen, sulphides and organic matter content in the groundwater. Modeling of groundwater migration forms was carried out, and it is stated that iron migrates basically as Fe2 in oxygen and suphides non-containing water. Migration forms are influenced by concentration of organic matter in the aquifer. The portion of Fe2 migrating in a form of free decreases due to formation of complexes with fulvic and humic acids, which can reach 36.5% of all migration forms. Iron migrates as Fe(OH)3 in oxygen containing water (more than 99% of determined forms). Presence of iron is ascertained also in sulphides containing water, where iron migrates basically as (98.8% of determined forms). This occurs due to formation of complexes with sulphydes – FeHS- and Fe(HS)2o.
2017, Teirumnieka, Ērika
Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmijas (RTA) Inženieru fakultāte (IF) (kopš augstākās izglītības iestādes darbības atjaunošanas Rēzeknes Augstskolā 1993. gadā) īsteno inženierzinātņu studiju programmas, kuras nepārtraukti tiek attīstītas, modernizētas atbilstoši zinātnes attīstītības tendencēm, darba tirgus pieprasījumam un stratēģiskajiem dokumentiem. Daudznozaru tehnoloģisko risinājumu izstrāde, apguve, izpēte, popularizēšana un pielietošana, nodrošinot starpdisciplināro saikni augstākās izglītības un zinātnes attīstībā, mazina Latgales reģiona attīstību kavējošos faktorus, garantējot inovatīvu produktu izstrādi un praktisku realizāciju. RTA nodrošina studiju pēctecību Latgales reģionā inženierzinātņu, informācijas tehnoloģijas, ražošanas un pārstrādes jomās, sākot no augstākās profesionālās izglītības 1. līmeņa līdz pat doktora līmenim. Cieša sadarbība ar vidējās profesionālās izglītības iestādēm ir pamats kvalitatīvai un mērķtiecīgai izglītojamo virzīšanai noteiktā specialitātē, kas nodrošina Latgales darba tirgū pieprasīto speciālistu sagatavošanu dažādos līmeņos. Prakses reģiona uzņēmumos, pētnieciskie darbi par uzņēmējiem un pašvaldībām aktuālām tēmām nodrošina studējošo ciešu saikni ar reālo dzīvi, praktiskās pieredzes gūšanu un, attiecīgi, konkurētspējas paaugstināšanu. Vairāk nekā 85% no RTA IF absolventiem strādā vai turpina studijas augstāka līmeņa programmās Latgalē un Latvijā. Inženierzinātņu studiju programmu absolventi tiek nodarbināti ražošanā, būvniecībā, pašvaldībās, valsts pārvaldes un izglītības iestādēs visā Latvijā. Studējošo skaita palielināšanās IF programmās ir rezultāts mērķtiecīgam darbam ar skolas posma jauniešiem, jau sākot no pamatskolas, īstenojot tehniskās jaunrades nodarbības akadēmijā. RTA ir izveidojusi savu vidējās izglītības iestādi – Autsrumlatvijas Tehnoloģiju vidusskolu, kur tiek īstenota STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics – ‘zinātnes, tehnoloģijas, inženierzinātnes un matemātika’) virziena vidējās izglītības programma. Ciešā sadarbībā ar pašvaldībām, uzņēmējiem ir izveidotas jaunas studiju programmas atbilstoši darba tirgus pieprasījumam. Sasniegumi lāzertehnoloģijas, mehatronikas, informācijas tehnoloģijas jomā ir panākti, kopīgi strādājot ar ārvalstu sadarbības partneriem. Veicot IF studējošo un absolventu dinamikas analīzi, nodarbinātības specialitātē un studiju procesa kvalitātes izpēti, ir redzama inženierzinātņu studiju programmu absolventu un akadēmiskā personāla ietekme uz Latgales reģiona un Latvijas tautsaimniecības attīstību. Pētījumā tiek iezīmētas jaunu virzienu attīstības iespējas uzņēmējiem Latgales konkurētspējas veicināšanai, integrējot zinātnes un inovāciju sasniegumus un izmantojot studiju rezultātus.
2018, Matulis, Jānis, Teirumnieka, Ērika
As climate change issues and increasing CO2 emissions are rising, "green energy" or renewable energy sources include solar, wind power, biomass, geothermal energy, etc. One of the most important sectors of the economy is energy. Its main tasks are energy recovery, its processing in all types of energy and delivery to consumers. No energy development is possible without the development of any economic sector. Energy is mainly used for energy production
2021, Teirumnieks, Edmunds, Lazov, Lyubomir, Nikolay Angelov, Teirumnieka, Ērika, Adijāns, Imants, Antons, Pacejs
A comparison is made between the laser and sandblasting methods for removing paint from industrial facilities. The advantages of laser ablation are discussed. The possibilities of laser paint removal systems - stationary and moving - are shown. The main factors influencing the laser ablation process and the indicators that determine the quality of the obtained surface are systematized. Researchers' publications on this technological process are analyzed.
2017, Hristina Deneva, Lazov, Lyubomir, Teirumnieka, Ērika
The physics of the last century is included in all EU curricula and emphasis in education is shifted from content to the forms, methods and means of teaching and learning. Different kinds of lessons (including laboratory classes) and their didactic structure are subject to the understanding, adoption and creating conditions to build motivation to learn physics and astronomy, active utilization of physical knowledge and building cognitive and practical skills. Performance of demonstration and laboratory classes using a laser device is a type of teaching strategy to good education in physics. Properties of laser light as observation, classification, communication, drawing conclusions, planning, interpretation and forecasting, are particularly suitable when monitoring and studying the phenomena of interference and diffraction. Through both qualitative and quantitate ways, in this paper is presented a physical experiment for measurement of thin threads in a High school from students. Experimental skills will enhance interest in physics and especially to modern applications of laser devices, as well as career guidance of students.
2019, Lazov, Lyubomir, Nikolay Angelov, Teirumnieks, Edmunds, Teirumnieka, Ērika
Studying the impact of speed on a number of laser processes such as marking, engraving, cutting, welding and others is crucial for the optimization of these technological processes. The processing speed, along with the frequency of laser pulses and their duration, also determines the time of action in the processing area and hence the absorbed quantity of electromagnetic energy. Based on numerical experiments with specialized software TEMPERATURFELD3D, the report analyzes the temperature variation in the processing area as a function of speed. The researches were analyzed for processing with two types of lasers emitting in the visible and infrared areas of the electromagnetic spectrum and two types of steels (tool and structural). From the course of the obtained temperature fields the dependence of temperature on the speed at two power densities was obtained. The obtained results help to make a preliminary assessment the speed work intervals for the processes as laser marking, laser engraving, laser cutting, laser welding and others. In this way, it is assisted in building an optimal concept for the passing of a particular technological process in function of the laser source, the material and the type of the technological operation.
2021, Samanta Gaile, Iveta Dembovska, Silicka, Inese, Teirumnieka, Ērika
The consumption of functional food is increasing in almost all industrialized countries, not only because of an aging population but also because of a more enthusiastic lifestyle, which makes meeting the nutritional requirements more difficult. In part, the transition to processed, easily packaged and pre-cooked foods is considered to be a response to long working hours. It resulted in an increased demand for ready-to-eat foods in recent years and it is expected to continue growing. The aim of the research is to study and analyse the need for extruded field bean flour food products in the market. Methods used in the research – monographic, synthesis, statistical analysis methods. The research developed proposals for the sale of extruded field bean flour as a food raw material in different markets.
2021, Teirumnieka, Ērika, Dagnija Blumberga, Teirumnieks, Edmunds
Global trends in the world are currently representing a serious incentive to bring ‘green thinking’ to life. This is the case of replacing synthetic materials derived from fossil resources with natural-origin, renewable resources. In the automotive industry and other segments of the manufacturing industry, increasing attention is being paid to the use of natural fibers in the manufacturing of composite materials. For example, flax and hemp fiber, as reinforcing material, is starting to widely replace carbon fiber. It is not just an ecological benefit, but also an important product protecting human health, since the amount of emissions that pollute the environment is minimized. Consequently, that lead to reduced intake by human being of harmful substances that would affect its health status. Existing composite materials used in motor vehicles, produced from carbon fibers, are creating very sharp fracture areas in the event of accidents causing human injury, while materials from natural fiber plants in this case are free from sharp edges at the place of fracture. Raw materials derived from hemp processing are used in the automotive, textile industry, construction (hemp concrete, heat insulation material), energy, biofuel production, arts and design, paper production, food, medicine, etc. This paper covers the main types of products derived from hemp.
2021, Kangro, Ilmārs, Harijs Kalis, Teirumnieks, Edmunds, Teirumnieka, Ērika
In this paper we consider the conservative averaging method (CAM) with special spline approximation for solving the non-stationary 3-D mass transfer problem. The special hyperbolic type spline, which interpolates the middle integral values of piece-wise smooth function is used. With the help of these splines the initial-boundary value problem (IBVP) of mathematical physics in 3-D domain with respect to one coordinate is reduced to problems for system of equations in 2-D domain. This procedure allows reduce also the 2-D problem to a 1-D problem and thus the solution of the approximated problem can be obtained analytically. The accuracy of the approximated solution for the special 1-D IBVP is compared with the exact solution of the studied problem obtained with the Fourier series method. The numerical solution is compared with the spline solution. The above-mentioned method has extensive physical applications, related to mass and heat transfer problems in 3-D domains.