A Metamodel Based Approach for UML Notated Domain Specific Modelling Language
UkSim 2011. Proceedings 13th International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation
Date Issued
Arnis Kleins
Exigen Services, Riga, Latvia
Yuri Merkuryev
Ojars Krasts
Exigen Services, Riga, Latvia
This paper focuses on a metamodel based approach to Unified Modelling Language (UML systems modelling and simulation. The approach allows creating a system model by operating with artefacts from the problem domain. As a novelty for UML modelling, especially for simulation purposes, the presented meta-model is enriched by a set of stochastic attributes of modelled activities. Modelling process is ensured by developing UML based Domain Specific Language (DSL) that is suitable for the metamodel, where UML diagrams are complemented with attributes necessary for model simulation. A modelling tool prototype was developed with Microsoft Visual Studio using Microsoft Visualization and Modelling SDK. Elaborated models are stored in a modelbase which conforms to the described metamodel. Relevant DEVS simulation software will be developed for ability to run those models and analyse gathered results. The given approach facilitates increases of the productivity in development of domain specific modelling and simulation tools up to 10 times.